Monday, June 29, 2015

A Politically Correct Hand Basket

I feel like it is my Christian duty to blog about the landmark ruling that Obama says “came like a thunderbolt”.
 I’ll tell you what I have seen; I’ve seen a picture of the Whitehouse lit up in rainbow colors. I’ve seen people attack others, spewing hate and stereotypes. I’ve seen a friend cry because her younger sister asked her to come to her wedding, a lesbian wedding. And I’ve also seen many, many Christians sit in SILENCE.

But first, like many Christians who are brave enough to speak, I feel like I have to post a plea bargain. I have to explicitly explain myself. Or else, it's off with my head. I do not agree with bullying anybody. I think every single person on God’s green Earth is cherished and loved in His eyes. I have already previously posted my views on casting judgment and allowing individuals the freedom to follow their own convictions. (You can read that post here: A Judge Without A Gavel .) I am not against homosexual people. However, I AM against the homosexual lifestyle. And ya know what? That shouldn’t surprise anyone…that a Christian believes the Bible. I can love people without loving the sin. We’re called to love everyone. I also know that I lived just as a perverse lifestyle before I came to know Christ. No, I didn’t have an intimate relationship with someone of the same sex, but sin is sin.
I have some friends that celebrated Obama’s decision, publicizing their joy and claiming that love wins. I do not agree with them, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to attack them for standing up in what they believe or terminate our friendship. People need to learn to agree to disagree. Rather than attacking someone for standing up for what they believe, you just need to stand up for what you believe. And therein lays the problem: silent Christians-SO many silent Christians. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: shame on you.

It doesn’t surprise me that people who do not have a strong faith or seek to follow Christ support same sex marriage. I can understand their point of view. They see this nation as being one that does not discriminate and offers freedom. They believe this should include the freedom to love whoever you choose and the opportunity for that relationship to be recognized just like heterosexual ones. It’s the people who support the act and claim to be believers; those are the people I get frustrated with. (Also, if you claim to be a believer and you don’t voice your disagreement, then you are supporting the act. It’s as simple as that.)

I know that there are plenty of people who say they are Christian and also say they’re gay. I also know that there are plenty of people who say they are Christian and openly advocate gay rights. I can’t judge you or convict you. That will come from God. But I can and will voice my opinion, which is that it is wrong.
My argument isn’t whether people are born gay or not…quite frankly, we are all born with sin. We ALL possess a wicked nature. That’s a fact. I personally don’t see homosexuality any differently than an addiction, be it to drugs or porn or what have you. I think it is a real feeling. I think many individuals truly do feel tempted by an  attraction to members of the same sex. But I also think it is something they should fight…just like any other sin anyone faces. To act upon it is an abomination to God. Now, I know there are people who would jump to say that “loving” someone shouldn’t be compared to dirty, harmful things. But no matter who you believe created the human race, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to examine our anatomy and determine exactly how we fit together. Without the joining of one man and one woman, our population would go extinct. Some gay advocates would agree with that, but still claim that even though it’s obvious we humans don’t connect like that, it should still be up to the individual to determine the lifestyle he or she chooses. And that’s right. We are all given the freedom to make choices. God doesn’t play puppets with our lives. (We all also will say amen to our own condemnation.) Although I believe in loving LGBT individuals and witnessing to them an example of the Gospel, I do not want to see our country grow so drastically away from the Bible. This shouldn’t upset or shock anyone; I am a Christian.   
   We now live in a society that is obsessed with being politically correct. I say that our nation is going to Hell in a politically correct hand basket. We are so focused on not offending anyone except God. And that’s right, you DON'T have to worship or follow Christ. He doesn’t make you, and I can’t make you. But the Bible says that you’d been better off to never have been born than to deny Him. So my heart does ache for you. I want you to know the true freedom, peace, rest, and love found in the arms of our savior. It is only then that the longing desire you have for love will be completely met and filled.

I also get frustrated with the number of truly indifferent people that have jumped on the LGBT supporter’s bandwagon solely because it is “trending”. For a big majority of people, you’re not emotionally invested at all. You just see it as being the popular thing to do. It gets you the most “likes”. For those of you who fit this scenario, you are weak.
The heart of my message is that I will not be a “closet Christian”. I think that just as much as there may be a war against homosexuality there is also a war against Christianity. And if you can feel compassion and pity on a homosexual who feels bullied or pressured to be silenced, then you should feel it too for the Christian. There is just as much hate projected upon believers as there are LGBTs. And NONE of it is okay. But Christians need must speak up. Others need to realize that name-calling and stereotyping those of us who stand for what we believe is exactly what you don’t want done to LGTBs. We have a right to speak what we believe, same as anyone. And it’s a shame that so many Christians don’t take advantage of that right. 

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I believe the Bible from cover to cover. No one can take that belief away from me. I stand on it. I live by it. I’d die for it. Whether my nation does or not, I fear the Lord. You mock Him with the rainbow that He gave us as a promise. You do not tremble at the thought of His return, because you have stony hearts that do not care to read ,let alone believe, His word. You try to redefine marriage when you didn’t define it in the first place.

But no matter what, no matter how far we stray, it is still well with my soul. Yes, the state of our nation saddens me. Yes, I get depressed thinking about the world my children will grow up in. Yes, I get frustrated with weak, lukewarm Christians. Yes, I am bothered by the amount of hate I witness towards all parties. But, Jesus is still on His throne of mercy. He is still in the saving business, and THAT is good news. There is still hope for all sinners: your soul can be set free.

I do not expect everyone to get along with one another or to live in world where sin does not exist. If that was so, we would not have needed Jesus to go and prepare a place for His children. I know that we live in a fallen world and this is the wages of sin. But by the grace of God, I have found forgiveness. Christ died for me. He had my very name in mind. What’s more, is that he ROSE from the DEAD. You tell me, who among us has done that? And yes, it’s true. If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t know His name today. When I believed this and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior, my eternal destiny was sealed. I strive to live for Him and I try to use my understanding of the Bible to guide me in doing so. No, I’m not perfect, but there is an outline provided in the Bible of the way Christians should live. And that means something to me.
 You see, love DID win. Love won on Calvary 2,000 some years ago. Love didn’t win because Obama and 5 lawyers wanted to make history. Love won when Christ hung on the cross with you in mind.  It won the day He rose from the dead. Either death will come to you or the Lord will come back, but one way or the other you’re going to cease to exist in your natural state. And when you do, you will answer for the choices that you did or didn’t make. Every knee shall bow. Every tongue will confess. One day, God’s judgment will come and it will be a far greater thunderbolt than Obamas. Jesus will come like a thief in the night, and on that day you will either wish to hide and not be able to or run into the arms of your savior.
So although my heart aches for my country, it rejoices in my salvation.
 I hope that I have not offended anyone. It was not my intention. However, spreading the Gospel can step on toes. If offended, it’s possible that the Holy Ghost is pricking at your heart. If so, that’s a good thing.   

I pray that Christians everywhere will not feel defeated. We may lose battles, but Jesus won the war. I pray that we always, no matter the cost, profess the goodness of the Lord and validity of His word. I pray that we can be a light- showing love, forgiveness, and compassion. We need to love one another, despite our differences. I pray that we can run our race with endurance.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Love won on Calvary, walk in it.

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