Sunday, May 10, 2015

An Open Letter to Birth Parents from Foster Parents

PS-MAPP Class Homework Assignment:

An Open Letter to Birth Parents from Foster Parents

Dear Parents, 

            If you are reading this letter, then it is finding you at a difficult time in your life. My husband and I want to express our deepest sympathy. We need you to know that you will receive no judgement from us. We do not know your life story nor what has led you to this day, but we do wish to get to know your child. We understand that though mistakes have been made, you love your child and want him/her to be safe and happy. We wish to work together and extend you grace, as it was extended to us by our Lord and Savior. Our goal is to encourage and support you as you travel your journey to getting your life in order. We only want to help you with that journey and speak hope. In case no one has told you before, there is nothing that you have done that is beyond the grace of God. He can make all things new. He uses desperate, seemingly hopeless situations to create victories. We aspire to be a part of your victory story.
            To ease your mind about your child's whereabouts, let me tell you a little about us and our home. My name is Katie and my husband's name is Andrew. We are both 25 years old and celebrating our 4th year of marriage this summer. I met him at church and said yes to his proposal after only 3 months of dating. He is a huge helpmate to me. He spoils me and will spoil your little one as well. We both graduated from Alice Lloyd College and have our Bachelor's Degree. Andrew is  currently in grad school pursuing a doctorate in physical therapy. He loves sports, fishing, and children. 
            I have a degree in Elementary Education and am taking online master classes to become a reading specialist. I currently teach 1st grade at a wonderful elementary school. So your little one will ride to and from school with me. Our home is made up of gratitude, grace, and grit. We are simple people that enjoy the outdoors and spending time on our front porch. We'll seek to know your child's interests and passions...whatever they may be. 
           We have no children of our own, so we have lots of time and love to spare. It's easy to see that a parent can love more than one child, so we believe that a child can love more than one set of parents. That's the wonderful thing about love: it can be limitless if we let it. Throughout your child's stay, we will encourage your child to maintain a safe and healthy relationship with you, if at all possible. We will never speak badly about you to anyone, especially your child. We anticipate and look forward to the day when you can be permanently reunited with your child. But we want you to know, if that day doesn't come, we have enough love in our hearts to give to your child forever.
            We hope you can open your hearts to us as we already have to you. We pray that we can all work together with the best interest of your child in mind. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our words and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

Your new friends, 
Katie & Andrew

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